This beautiful Autumn Colour Dark Red & Pink Roses Silk Flower Bouquet is full of flannel roses a combination of Roses, Hydrangea, Eucalyptus Greenery & Dusty Miller, etc.. It is perfect for wedding and decoration.
Standard Size: Large (original)Â
- 44cm w (with leaves), 38m height
 Custom Size: Small
- 25cm width x 30cm (with leaves)
This smaller vision* is the best for the bridal party, bridesmaid to match with the original size with the bride – Autumn Colour Dark Red & Pink Roses Silk Flower Bouquet. Because they are custom size, the last two images are a demonstration of how they look compare to the standard one.
We also have many silk flower wedding packages available to choose from our custom package. Please visit here.
*Pictures are original standard Silk Flower Bouquet; the vase is for demonstration only.
*The small size is a custom size; hence we do not have this product picture. However, if you want to see the sample of the same series bouquets, you can visit here.
3 reviews for Dark Red & Pink Rose Silk Flower Bouquet