Champagne Roses & Purple Hydrangea Silk Flower Bouquet


Champagne Roses & Purple Hydrangea Silk Flower Bouquet


This beautiful artificial silk flower bouquet is made of all bright pastel colours silk artificial flower – it is a combination of Roses, Hydrangea Macrophylla, Peonies, Freesia, Eucalyptus Greenery etc.. It is perfect for wedding and decoration



This beautiful artificial silk flower bouquet is a combination of Roses, Hydrangea Macrophylla, Freesia, Eucalyptus Greenery etc. It is perfect for wedding and decoration

Standard Size: Large (original)


  • 28cm width x 33cm height (with leaves)
  • 23cm width x 33cm height (without leaves)

 Custom Size: Small


  • 23cm width x 30cm (with leaves)

This smaller vision* is the best for the bridal party, bridesmaid to match with the original size with bride silk bouquet. Because they are custom size, the last two images are a demonstration of how they look compare to the standard ones.

*Pictures are original standard bouquet, the vase is for demonstration only.

*The small size is a custom size, hence we do not have the photo. However, if you want to see a sample of the same series of bouquets, you can visit here.

Weight 0.8 kg

Small (25cmx30cm), Large (Pictures shown), 1 x large +1 x small (you save $10), 1 x large + 2 x small (you save $21), 1 x large + 3 x small (you save $36), 1 x large + 4 x small (you save $48), 1 x large + 5 x small (you save $75), 1 x large + 6 x small (you save $90)

Ribbon Colour

Original, White, Champagne, Silver, Peach, Pink, Red, Dark Red, Light Purple, Dark Purple, Baby Blue, Aqua

Ribbon length

As Pictrues, Hang down (Approx 40cm)


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